A number of years ago I learned about a technique called EFT: Emotional Freedom Technique which is also known as Tapping. Periodically, I would pull it out of my bag of tricks and try it for whatever stress was affecting me at the time. Yet, even though I believed it had significant merit I didn't practice it consistently. To be frank it felt awkward and most of the time it just didn't really click for me. Then a few years later I read a newsletter that mentioned Gary Craig (the founder of EFT as we know it) had developed a newly streamlined tutorial. This simplified version made way more sense to me than the more complicated original version. Then, during a December ice storm , I discovered just how effective EFT can be.
My husband and I were driving North from Massachusetts to Maine. With an hour and a half to go we found ourselves driving in about 2-3″ of accumulating sleet & slush. The icy road was rapidly freezing beneath us. I have a history with car accidents as both passenger and driver and subsequent PTSD. So needless to say, I was really anxious and distressed. I asked my husband if he minded if I tried EFT to reduce my stress. Before the tapping first round I was experiencing stress & terror at a 9 on a scale of 0-10. After the first round I felt significantly more relaxed and my fear was down to a 5. After a second round I hovered around a calm 3. I noticed that though I was still acutely aware how much the roads sucked, I felt relaxed and accepting about the drive anyway. A few more rounds and I was completely serene and I my previously HIGH fear and anxiety had vanished to 0!
I was so thrilled and amazed at how effectively I had cleared my own distress with only a few rounds of tapping that soon after I started to share what I had discovered with some of my clients and friends. As a healing technique EFT feels incredibly organic to me, so it seemed like a very natural progression to incorporate it into the healing and intuitive work I already did.
After that eventful ride home, I started exploring all kinds of different EFT/Tapping resources on the web and spending my spare moments learning as much as I could about this remarkable healing modality. I was so inspired that I attended an EFT level 1&2 training with Master Trainer Ingrid Dinter and then continued on to become a certified EFT practitioner through the international organization EFT International. After facilitating sessions for a few years I returned to study Level 3 Art of Delivery with Ingrid and then again with the incredible Master Teacher Trainer of Trainers Jade Barbee. As of early March 2018 I completed the requirements to become an NQT Trainer and then achieved Accredited Certified EFT Master Trainer status in March of 2019.
I incorporate EFT into nearly all of my work. I facilitate it for my VIP 1:1 clients. I share it in the group programs, intensives and workshops I lead. I offer tapping via FB live and “tap-along” videos on my YouTube channel as well as a tapping segment to wrap up each Empathic Mastery Radio Show. In addition I offer live EFT trainings twice a year in the late autumn and late spring and a biweekly EFT mentoring group for my students. Go here for more info about EFT Trainings. Go here to get the ball rolling to work with me 1:1 or to be notified when enrollment for the Empathic Mastery Academy opens up.