Acquire personal and professional skills to navigate these turbulent times with safety, love and empathy.
Join Jen for 2 Weekends of ONLINE: Professional Level 1 & 2 EFT Immersion Training
Class Via Zoom with Jennifer Moore Accredited EFT International Master Trainer
Friday 6:00PM --8:00PM eastern time May 16
and Saturdays 11:00AM — 6:30 PM eastern time May 17, 24, June 7 & 14 2025
Looking for EFT/Energy Healing Sessions with Jen? Go here. Looking for Practitioner MENTORING please fill out the form below to get the ball rolling.

Our world has reached the tipping point for global transformation and healing. CoVid19 and political divisiveness changed nearly everything about what we consider “normal”. Environmental, Political and Social climates have heated up and our literal and emotional glaciers have been melting at record speed. This leaves many of us contending with triggers, limiting beliefs and ancestral legacies of pain and dysfunction. Never in the history of humanity have tools that help us to release fear, pain and distress been more vital.

We can use EFT for physical pain, phobias, cravings, sensitivities, mental & emotional distress, relationship challenges, difficult memories, limiting beliefs, core issues, children & animals and so much more.
Without these effective tools and support we find ourselves spinning our wheels in the muck. This distress manifests as physical pain, illness, stress, feelings of overwhelm and anxiousness, self sabotaging behaviors, addiction, and procrastination to scratch just the tip of the iceberg. If we are going to steer this planet in the right direction we need to take action now. It’s time for all hands on deck with everyone who is ready and willing to be part of the solution. With all the loss, trauma, confusion and senseless violence so many people are enduring this Earth needs every single skilled, compassionate EFT practitioner available.
I know all too well how carrying unresolved issues from the past causes us to struggle. It’s particularly challenging when we form conclusions based on those experiences which influence our beliefs from there on. When wounds are left to fester, we often end up with a dis-regulated inner five year old driving our bus. Without healing resources, even when we replay events over and over in our heads, we often have nothing to show for the agonizing effort. BUT using techniques that clear our $h!t thoroughly yet gently, is one of the best things about well facilitated EFT.
- What if you knew how to help yourself and others in times of distress and suffering to create deep and lasting shifts?
- What if you could tap into your empathic abilities and use these gifts to help others?
- What if you could develop skills that would make you a knowledgeable and effective practitioner who gets results?
- What if you could learn to regulate your nervous system and teach others how to do it too?
- What if you could use these techniques to build your confidence, improve your business and enhance your role as a practitioner?
- What if it's your calling to use EFT efficiently and effectively and this training is the next step on your path?
- What if you could proudly share respected credentials as an accredited practitioner through EFT International?

Not only is EFT a technique we can use to change our own lives, it’s a tool we can share to make a real difference on this planet. Now, one can easily find a lot free of tap-along videos and resources online. I gladly share the EFT basics with anyone who seeks it. HOWEVER, much of this internet tapping only begins to scratch the surface. While one can easily learn the basic tapping recipe in less than an hour, it takes time and conscientious mentoring to become a well trained skilled practitioner. This is when the miracles happen. This is how some of our most tenacious issues can be addressed and cleared. This is why I am passionate about teaching other sensitive, compassionate people how to use EFT with precision and care.

Pages from Jen's Training Manual
Over the course of 4 Saturdays we’ll explore fundamental and intermediate EFT skills in an intimate virtual setting. The limited class size allows for many opportunities for demonstration, practice, questions and feedback. The first part is devoted to Level 1 with a comprehensive presentation of EFT basics. Then we devote the rest of our time to digging into the tool box and exploring numerous ways to use EFT effectively. Perhaps one of the best things about EFT is how gentle it can be even for addressing challenging issues. There will be particular focus on maintaining safety and holding space for transformation.
Level 1
- Introducing EFT Basics
- Origins of EFT, Aspects & Minor Annoyance
- The Science of EFT, Tapping for Pain and Physical Sensations
- Gentle Techniques & Tapping for Specific Events (Level 1)
Level 2
- Sensitivities & Cravings
- Surrogate Tapping, Working with Animals & Children
- Trauma & Tapping for Specific Events (Level 2 Part 1)
- Tapping for Specific Events (Level 2 Part 2) & Personal Peace Procedure
- Core Issues & Limiting Beliefs
- Putting It All Together, Fine Tuning & Next Steps
Follow-Up, Q&A Session (date TBD)
As a trainer, I teach students to use EFT with confidence so they can achieve success and help themselves and others to overcome the challenges and pain which keep them from moving forward.
While my trainings are comprehensive and thorough, I take an incremental and mindfully paced approach to teaching and mentoring. They are especially designed to support highly sensitive, empathic people to be confident, effective & successful tappers. These weekend sessions provide the abundance of time needed for practice, review and direct support.
There are 3 pillars in my approach to teaching EFT: SAFETY, LOVE and EMPATHY.
- SAFETY: Emphasis is placed on learning and integrating the "gentle techniques" we often achieve more effective and sustainable results by working, mindfully, incrementally and carefully. I believe: why use a hammer when a feather is better?
- LOVE: The most powerful healing happens when we hold space for ourselves and others exactly as we are. Instead of coming to EFT as the expert who "KNOWS" what another person needs, we meet them where they are and follow their lead. Rapport, Compassion and Attentiveness are the qualities we cultivate.
- EMPATHY: Highly sensitive tappers bring unique gifts and challenges to their EFT practice. My intention as an empath and EFTi Master Trainer is to support other sensitives to use their empathic abilities and intuition in a way that allows them to tune into those they serve while maintaining protective energetic and practical filters, shields and systems.
A Level 1 & 2 EFT Training is appropriate for anyone who wants to learn more about EFT. Many people choose to take it just for their personal development and healing. These techniques are useful whether you simply want to use them for yourself or add them to your professional skill set. You'll come away with a great tool box for your own use AND will have taken the vital first step required to become an accredited EFT Practitioner.
A) It IS for you if...
- You're deeply committed to doing your own work.
- You're ready to take your professional chops to the next level
- You witness the pain and suffering in the world and you want to be part of the solution.
B) It is NOT for you if...
- You already have WAY too much on your plate to devote two full weekends and an additional 2-3 hours a week to transforming your life.
- You're totally comfortable in your profession as it is and you have no desire to add to your skillset.
- You're too tender to focus on developing professional skills. You know you need time to address and heal your own issues before you're ready to hold space for other people's distress.
Practitioner Certification is available via EFT International following course attendance, receiving necessary mentoring and successfully completing all additional requirements. This course meets and exceeds EFT International standards. EFTi is the world’s original and largest professional, global and non-profit EFT association (

What if I have to miss a class?
Bottom Line… Live attendance is imperative for anyone hoping to pursue accreditation and strongly encouraged for every student. Please make every effort to block off the entire class schedule. AND All classes are recorded for review
In cases where you need clarification I make time for Q&A each week before we dig into the new material. I also stay after each class to answer questions and tie up any loose ends from the demo/practice sessions.
NOTE: for ALL Certification-candidates: EFT International requires a minimum of 22 hours live attendance for the combined Level 1&2 Training. If you imagine that you will pursue certification at any point and you miss a class, you must watch the recording and do your in class practice session on your own time. If you miss more than 1 live session you’ll be required (at additional cost) to complete additional mentoring and/or attend a make up class. Group make-up class(es) will or will not be scheduled depending on the needs of the entire class. Please reach out to Jen via email, voxer or text to discuss your options.
What time requirements should I plan for?
Minimum of 8-11 hours per week (includes class attendance and practice sessions)
- CLASS 7 Hours each day: Each class runs from 11AM-6:30 PM with multiple breaks scheduled between segments. You are welcome to stay on after class for optional Q&A and tapping support. This generally lasts between 20-60 minutes based on need.
- PRACTICE 60 Minutes – 2-3 hours total: As you add to your skill set the required time for each session will incrementally increase. You can anticipate needing less time for Level 1 and expect to increase as we move into Level 2. For basic techniques you’ll be able to give or receive a session in 20-40 minutes each. You can anticipate between 30-50 minutes per session during the intermediate period and then 45-60 minutes to practice full sessions.
- OPTIONAL 1-4 Hours: Should you wish you may connect with other classmates to set up extra practice times. In addition, I provide some bonus videos. I also share links, articles and resources to explore at your discretion.
How can I practice during the week?
Practice partners will be assigned between weekends so you'll have an opportunity to practice the technique you learned together. For every segment there will be a demonstration. Depending on the technique we're covering, there will either be break-out sessions to practice the newly learned tapping tool with one or two other students and one of my assistants or me or we'll have an extended demonstration with time for discussion and clarification afterwards. Between classes, you’ll practice with a buddy. This will give you a chance to review and hone the skills you learned. Though extra practice sessions are not specifically required by EFTi, this component of my training is strongly encouraged. In addition you're more than welcome to connect with other students and practice with more than one classmate as you wish.
When can I start sharing EFT with other people?
As soon as you feel confident with your understanding of EFT basics you’re not only welcomed but encouraged to tap with people you know. Usually this happens following completion of Level 1. It’s imperative that you are clear about your status as a student who is learning this skill and that you share from this novice perspective. Stay in the shallow end and only share tools you already know. Don’t go where you don’t belong, so unless you’re already trained to address clinical issues and are trauma informed, steer clear of anything intense, complex or traumatic.
Bottom Line: and when in doubt, leave it out.
$1097 or $397 for former L1&2 students (EARLYBIRD OPTIONS register by 3/28/25 $997/297 for former students) Payment Plans Available
Training includes pre- and post-course materials as well as Friday evening introduction & follow-up meeting.
PLEASE NOTE: I currently, only offer my Level 1 & 2 training annually (sometimes even bi-annually). Trainings are generally scheduled in the spring. This is because I devote the rest of the year to supporting students pursing certification and working with mentees who need to fulfill their annual supervision requirements. Therefore with this limited class size please reach out soon to secure your spot.
You missed out!
Please fill out this form to get the ball rolling
so we can set up a time to connect
IF you know me (as in we've communicated directly with each other and/or you've worked or studied with me personally) and know you are ready to commit, GO HERE to enroll.
Michelle Thompson
I would like to shout out and thank my EFT mentor, Jennifer Elizabeth Moore. BRILLIANT teacher, soul, and all around stand-up person! Through her, I’ve learned LOTS about Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT), colloquially known as tapping. Working with her, I got to zero in on my fears about money as well as some physical and emotional issues and address and clear them. Adding this tool to my coaching business for academics and lawyers has allowed me to help my clients out of flight, fight, or freeze so that they can get the results they want.
I love EFT/tapping. It. Just. WORKS.
Melissa Beasley
I help women rebuild their lives after abuse and toxic church trauma. BUT even with plenty of natural coaching and healing abilities, there's a difference between talent and training. I KNEW that to genuinely help women, rather than just re-traumatize them, I needed more tools and the right kind of training.
As I thought about the kind of healer/mentor I wanted to be I thought of Jennifer Moore, my fairy godmother. Her soft yet strong and always loving approach to mentorship was exactly what I wanted to emulate for my clients. I texted her, “Hey, is there a fairy godmother apprenticeship program?” She said there was, and I jumped in without hesitation.
Kari Van Tine
Training with Jennifer has been one of the best personal growth as well as business choices I have made. I have received a strong set of tools to add to my work with my clients as well as a rich and resourced support system for myself as I in turn support others. As a person who is always hungry to learn more and deepen, I am constantly refreshed by the depth and breadth of Jennifer’s knowledge, generosity in sharing, intuitive accuracy and ability to balance multiple concerns at once. She is a trainer for trainers, teacher for teachers and a rare delight to spend time with.
Katie Gall
Training with Jenn was one of the best choices I made in my EFT journey. She is not only committed to making sure her students have a full understanding of how to ethically use this tool, but she's also a warm and caring teacher. She truly wants you to be able to go out into the world and use the power of EFT to change your life, and the lives of those around you.
Sometimes unforeseen stuff comes up and we must adjust accordingly. For cancellations outside of 14 days, I offer a full refund minus a non-refundable $75 administrative fee. If you need to cancel inside 14 days before class starts I offer a 50% refund or space in my next training (which currently happens annually and starts every March). There is no refund once class has begun. Depending on details, I may offer a complimentary spot in the following training or the reduced rate for repeating students.
In the unlikely event that I must cancel the training for any reason, registered attendees will be offered a full refund or the option to attend the next course (which will likely be sooner than a year).
Use of Recordings
All classes will be recorded to the Zoom cloud and then uploaded as unlisted videos on YouTube and Vimeo. This way students can watch/listen and reflect upon the class. Each day is recorded in sections and include each day’s lesson, teaching points and discussion Q & A, demonstrations. It is understood that when students volunteer for demonstrations they agree to being recorded and give express consent to have their session recorded.
All recordings other than demonstrations featuring EAs, lectures without discussion and bonus content I record outside of class remain exclusive to the unique training. All other recordings are only fully accessible to me, the EAs and students. Please note my administrative assistant does have access to content for the sole purpose of distributing material to students after class. This is with the express understanding that they won't ever view any of the actual content. All participants agree to safeguard everyone’s privacy and to never share the recordings with anyone else. As your trainer, I commit to do the same and agree to withhold sensitive content, upon request of the participant who shares it, when releasing recordings to the class.
By joining this training, you agree to the course being recorded and distributed to class members only. On occasion recordings may also be shared with select EFTi colleagues for training, mentoring and development purposes.
All participants agree to respect the privacy and confidentiality of all involved. You may share from your own experience and what you learned, but must obtain explicit permission before sharing about anyone else. Even with explicit permission names and identifying details must be changed to protect everyone’s anonymity. To quote a saying taken from 12 Step programs…
“Who you see here, what you hear here, when you leave here, let it stay here!”
Disclaimer/Informed Consent
By registering for the course, you agree to take full responsibility for your own emotional, mental and physical well-being during and after the EFT training. You confirm that you are prepared to participate in EFT training. This includes practice sessions with me, my assistant(s) or other students in the class.
EFT Tapping (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Training/Coaching Disclaimer
EFT training and EFT sessions are not to be understood as medical or psychological advice. By registering for trainings, courses or any other services, you agree that Jennifer Elizabeth Moore offers her services as a mentor and coach – not a psychologist, psychotherapist, physician, or other licensed health care provider. Jennifer strongly advises that you seek professional advice as appropriate before making any health decision. By using EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) in group sessions or individual sessions with Jennifer in-person (or on your own), you agree to fully release, indemnify, and hold harmless, Jennifer and/or her estate, from any legal claims.
To put it more simply, as you would before engaging in any course of study (e.g. a personal discipline such as marital arts, yoga or healing program), you agree to take complete responsibility for your use of EFT and for your emotional and physical wellbeing in every way.
Informed Consent Agreement
By engaging in EFT training, you understand that EFT is an experimental energy modality and that you are comfortable proceeding with EFT training and group or individual EFT sessions that are both a part of the L1, L2 or L3 or separate at your own risk. Except in the case of gross negligence or malpractice, I or my representative(s) agree to fully release and hold harmless Jennifer Elizabeth Moore from and against any and all claims or liability of whatsoever kind or nature arising out of or in connection with my session(s).”
See Jen's full Disclaimer, Informed Consent Policies and her full Refund and Cancellation Policies