January 23

What Unusual Thing Do You Love and Totally ROCK?


You know that thing you love doing that other people would rather avoid? 

Everyone has something they ADORE that most folks just want run away from screaming.

For example, I HATE dealing with dishes but my late father John (who was a Virgo FYI) LOVED taking a steel wool pad to grimy pots and pans. You know the kind. They're the ones that are stained and crusted with burned on food. The ones that ordinary people would just give up on. He'd happily scour them for upwards of an hour until they sparkled. My Dad actually got totally energized doing it which was so baffling to me.

Any time my family gathered for a meal he’d practically inhale his food. Then before the rest of us were finished he’d pop up like a jack in the box and hover beside us. “Are you done with that?” he'd ask eagerly. It didn’t matter whether I had a fork in my hand and half a bowl of salad left. Once he'd eaten everything off of his plate, he was primed to dive into a sink of greasy Fiestaware casserole dishes, stainless steel frying pans and grotty utensils.

That got me thinking about some of the things I do with my work that people who aren’t me are less than thrilled to deal with. (which is one of the reasons why they choose to work and train with me)

While I often talk about the obvious stuff like like how being highly sensitive and empathic impacts pretty much everything in our lives and business, and how using EFT/Tapping is the best thing EVER, I rarely talk about how I love using the tool in a gentle and precise way to tap into those especially gnarly roots and uncomfortable triggers that many people just want to avoid. It's totally understandable to want to avoid it. The old healing model often involved excavating emotional corpses so we could examine every painful detail under a microscope. One of the things I appreciate the most about the tool of EFT is that we don't have to "go there" to initiate profound healing. The beauty of a well facilitated EFT session is that allows us to address and shift really big stuff with safety and distance. This is the core of what I teach in my EFT Practitioner Trainings.

I absolutely love to access our shadowy depths. I love looking at the things we’ve hidden from ourselves for lifetimes. But I love to do it in a way that doesn't re-traumatize our tender hearts or send us into a funk that lasts for days. If you tell me that you’ve been struggling with something that’s haunted you since you were 7 years old, I’ll show you how to approach it in a loving and effective way that allows those ghosts from the past to finally cross over.

I know all too well how carrying unresolved issues from the past cause us to struggle. It’s particularly challenging when we form conclusions based on those experiences and they influence our beliefs from then on. When wounds are left to fester, we often end up with a dis-regulated inner five year old trying to drive our bus. Without proper tools, even when we replay events over and over in our heads, we often have nothing to show for the agonizing effort. BUT using techniques that clear our $h!t thoroughly yet gently, is totally my JAM. I LOVE to do this work. I love to do this work SO much that I teach other people how to do it too! 

That's why my next Level 1&2 EFT Training starts in a few months on Saturday April 15th. Classes will run from 2-5:30 PM eastern time. My teaching approach is slow and steady. It's particularly designed to train highly sensitive, empathic people to be confident, effective & successful tappers. The eleven three and a half hour sessions provide the abundance of time needed for practice, review and direct support. At this point I only offer this comprehensive training once a year. That's because I devote the rest of the year to supporting and mentoring students who choose to pursue accreditation through EFT International with me. 

BTW a Level 1 & 2 EFT Training is appropriate for anyone who wants to learn more about EFT. The techniques I teach are applicable whether you simply want to use them personally or add them to your professional skills. You'll come away with a great tool box for your own use AND will have taken the vital first step required to become an accredited EFT Practitioner. 

SO here's the thing. Class size is limited and a number of amazing people have already enrolled. AND as I mentioned I'll only offer this training once this year. Next training won't happen until April of 2024. If you've been feeling called to serve the world with your gifts in a deeper way, if you've been sensing it's time to get your ducks in a row to pivot from your current J.O.B. to something more aligned with your soul, or if you feel ready to embrace new possibilities... then join me.

Learn more at EFTinstruction.com.

PLEASE NOTE: Because this training is very specialized and intimate, if I do not know you, I require a 1:1 conversation before you enroll. When you fill out the form on the course page, you'll be directed to my calendar link. There's also a link to register if you've already discussed training with me in the past and are ready to commit. PLUS I'd be remiss if I didn't mention the earlybird pay in full rate of $797 is good through Feb 4th.

Wondering if this training is right for you? I'd love to connect to explore and discuss details. Jump over to EFTinstruction.com to fill out the form, sign up for a time and we'll talk.

P.S. Do you know other wonderful sensitive people who'd benefit from this training? Please forward this email to them, and/or share the EFTinstruction.com link with some explanation why you think this would be a great fit for them. AND Thank you in advance for helping me to create more EFT practitioners for this planet. We need all hands on deck now more than ever. This is a tool that we can offer to address and shift the impact of war, pandemics and personal, social & political upheaval. And even with the best of possible future outcomes, at this point there's gonna be some healing to do in the aftermath of everything we've already endured.


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